Cholestrol; General Study

The word Cholestrol is a combination of two ancient Greek words, Chole means bile and stereos meaning solid. The cholestrol is an organic molecule having suffix ol derived from alcohol. Cholestrol is a steroid (type of lipids) synthesized by every cell of the animal body and is essential component of cell (cell membrane).

Biochemistry of Cholesterol 

Cholestrol is a white crystalline powder having chemical formula C27H46O. The molar mass of cholestrol is 386.65g/mol. It is an organic solid having little or no any solubility in water but it is completely soluble in organic solvents i.e. acetone, benzene, chloroform etc. 

Uses of Cholestrol 

Cholestrol is a precursor for many hormones (steroid hormones), Vitamin D and sometimes Bile acids. The dry matter of human brain consists of 10% cholestrol. 
The cholestrol serves as precursor for vitamin D. Whenever a person is exposed to sunlight the cholestrol in our skin are used to synthesize Vitamin D. So for this reason, sunbathing has become a tradition in many developed countries. 
Following steroid hormones are synthesized by cholestrol: 
  • Androgens 
  • Estrogens
  • Glucocorticoids 
  • Progestins
  • Mineraolcorticoids 

Types of Cholestrol

Cholestrol has three different types: 
 1. Good Cholestrol (HDL)
 2. Bad Cholestrol    (LDL)
 3. Triglycerides 

Good Cholestrol 

Good Cholestrol also called HDL is referred as good because of vital influence in metabolism. The good cholestrol or High Density Lipoproteins transports excessive cholestrol from our blood back to liver, where it is metabolized (broken down) and removed from body. A high amount of HDL keeps our heart healthy as compared to LDL or bad cholestrol. 

Bad Cholestrol 

Bad cholestrol also known as LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins) is often considered bad for health. The accumulation of LDL in veins and arteries can block the supply of blood to body resulting in hemorrhage and sometimes paralysis of limbs. So, WHO has recommended that LDL cholesterol consumption should be banned completely and offenders should be punished. You can get a perfect idea how much dangerous it is to health. 

We will discuss types of cholestrol in details in coming blogs, so that you may have a better idea of impact of cholestrol on health. 


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